Eating Seasonally

We are big fans of eating local organic produce (as you may have guessed), and eating seasonally goes hand in hand with that. By eating seasonally you gain appreciation for the fruits and vegetables that naturally grow as the year passes. Spring is the time for fresh herbs/greens, crunchy vegetables, and delicious berries, while summer brings glasshouse veges like tomatoes and zucchini and delicious stonefruit. Autumn harvests of root vegetables, onions, squash and apples signal crisp mornings and warming bowls of soup in the evening. Winter is brassica season; broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage are readily available, and citrus fruit help to brighten the gloomy days. Eating seasonally not only supports local growers, and reduces emissions due to less shipping/transport, but also can help you save money!

Tips on saving money

Waste Less!


Lets say you start with a whole chicken for the week; by using less you can make the meat last for 2-3 meals, depending on how many people you are feeding. After you've used all the meat, whatever you do DON'T throw away the bones! They can be used to make chicken stock, which could then be used to make another meal such as pumpkin soup


The leafy ends of celery can also be used to make stock, as can onion skin and soft carrots (these give a nice sweetness). Older root vegetables like carrots and kumara that are a bit soft/bruised can be used to make soup. Pureeing at the end means nobody can taste the bruises!


Buying stock is expensive, but it is so cheap and easy to make.

Simply chuck your chicken bones (or any type of bone) in a large pot with celery tops, onion skin, one carrot chopped up, a bay leaf or two and a handful of peppercorns. Cover with water about 2-3 cm over the contents and simmer gently, uncovered, for up to 2 hours (if using beef/pork bones simmer for 1-2 hours longer). 


If you have any old, soft, bruised, or just generally unappetizing fruit lying around, a great way to use it up is in a smoothie. Alternatively, you could stew your old fruit for a bit of warmth in the evening; apples work particularly well for this. 

Come down and pick up some winter produce. If you don't get around to eating it right away, why not try one of these ideas?